We evolve
your business
Coaching seasoned or rising leaders inthe gain of clarity, impact resolution and confidencein achieving their goals in a sustainable way.
Implement the precepts ofcollective intelligence and team collaboration practicesin the format of company seminars, team retreats, management committee training, team-building, addressing specific objectives.
Bring custom transformation podscompanies in three specific areas: sales, customer experience and finally operational efficiency.
Who do we serve?
Optimization for overtaking
A leader rooted in African and European cultures, well versed in the history and dynamics of these two spheres, and who is fully committed to sharing his experience and knowledge in order to deliver a positive impact on the present and building our future.
He is passionate about the operational development of a new conceptual way of understanding leadership on a daily basis, with his own concepts and words, derived both from African symbolic thought and from the resources of Emotional Intelligence, to set in motion individuals, teams and organizations towards delivering a specific, measurable and lasting impact to its clients.

Our uniqueness
All of our approaches are supported by the use ofAfrican symbolic thought, multi millennium, and the power in action ofEmotional Intelligence.
Indeed, by mobilizing these two fundamental resources, we approach all client issues in a deep, methodical and impactful way in the results produced.
131 Boulevard Carnot
78110 Le Vesinet
(+33) 6 10 13 82 94
(+225) 05 56 79 78 57